Sole Revival Skin & Body Clinic

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During the summer months, you can find an array of wild flowers that are useful for a range of health benefits, as well as being vital for wildlife. 

Amongst them is the lovely little chamomile flower, which speaks to the gentle power of this plant for easing discomfort and bringing happiness.

Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind.

In herbalism the two most commonly used chamomiles are the German chamomile, which may be the most familiar, and Roman chamomile.

This little plant has long found a happy home in the garden where people would keep it close at hand to help their families with such unpleasantness as fever, painful menstruation, headaches, digestive upsets, and emotional stress. It is also widely regarded as a mild tranquilizer and sleep-inducer. Chamomile’s abundant useful actions make it a wonderful herb of choice for everyone.

When it comes to using it for skin, chamomile has many powerful skin benefits since it has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. It is also hypoallergenic and helps reduce skin irritation by neutralizing free radicals. 

Three compounds found in chamomile that give it its soothing and healing benefits are bisoprolol, chamazulene, and apigenin. These compounds are especially great for sensitive and eczema skin as they calm angry flareups.

Another two powerful anti-oxidants  polyphenols and phytochemicals may help reduce signs of aging by protecting the skin from free radical damage. These also accelerate cell and tissue renewal, reducing the appearance of fine lines and giving skin a youthful glow.

A herbal home remedy that can clear your sinuses when you have a cold, is to incorporate chamomile in your steam bath. It's fast and effective. The smell is also the closest to nature as you can be.

We hope you enjoyed this small piece of information!

Thanks for this great article GingerChi Of New York