What the best sunscreen? What does spf mean?
What is SPF Sunscreen?
SPF, or Sun Protection Factor,is a measure of how well a sunscreen will protect skin from UVB rays, the kind of radiation that causes sunburn, damages skin, and can contribute to skin cancer.
To understand an SPF - a sun protection factor you first need to know how an SPF is calculated?
Minutes to burn without sunscreen x SPF number = maximum sun exposure time
For example if you burn WITHOUT A SUNSCREEN IN 10 MINUTES, then you apply an SPF 30+ you theoretically can stay in the sun for 30 x 10mins, that's 300 minutes or FIVE HOURS. But here is where it all goes terribly wrong!
1. Most people under-apply sunscreens, using ¼ to ½ the amount required. Using half the required amount of sunscreen only provides the square root of the SPF. So, a half application of an SPF 30 sunscreen only provides an effective SPF of 5.5
The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) scale is not linear:
SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays
So, one way of looking at this is that SPF 30 sunscreen only gives you 4% more protection thanSPF 15 sunscreen.
2. Once your burn time for the day is up, you cannot reapply your SPF and start again. This information is a surprise to many people, most people think they can just keep reapplying their sunscreen. The only safe option is to get out of the sun or completely cover up.
I like this analogy from INSKIN CEO Maria Enna-Cocciolone. “Think of it like putting a chicken in the oven, once its cooked and you take it out of the oven its cooked. If you take it out of the oven wait an hour then put it back In the oven it’s still cooked, skin is the same. Once your burn time has expired you are cooked and you need to go inside and stay right out of the sun for the next 24 hours”.
3. If you chose to use anything higher than an SPF30+ (the most popular being a 50+ but they go as high as a 70+) the added protection is minimal (certainly not another 20x your natural burn time).
A better option is a 30+ mineral based SPF that is well applied, reapplied if it is towel dried or frictioned off or exposed to water and simply getting out of the sun when your natural burn time X 30 is up
Remember* An SPF must be applied minimum 20 minutes before sun exposure.
Babies should not be in the sun full stop. Their natural burn time is fast and chemicals should not be applied to their skin.
Always remember the skin is the largest organ of the body, treat it with respect because at the end of the day you only get one body.