I want the best facial, one that will make me look younger.
Welcome to the desk of Sole Revival
I’ve lost count of the amount of times that someone has said, so and so says that the products she is using are amazing! Honestly, don’t fall for it, your unique, what works for them could be disastrous for you. One-size-fits-all definitely does not apply to skincare. That’s why I make my one-on-one consultations ridiculously cheap at $50.
I want you to make informed decisions about what’s right for you and what will deliver the results your looking for.
In the salon our aim is to create a space that’s a little oasis of calm and tranquility, online we want to help you sift through the hype from the real, where we can discuss whatever we want to know more about.
Being a rejuvenating therapist, I see a lot of faces who want to turn back time and also a lot of people who Just want to age well. Personally, I think the ones who get regular facials look way more beautiful than the Botox gals, they may not have any wrinkles but their skin is shit. Open pores, uneven skin tone, pigmentation. On the one hand, I absolutely support the right to do whatever works for you, without judgement, On the other hand I’ve seen some Botox horror results, that would put the fear of god into you, at the end of the day it’s botulism and that’s a muscle freezer that your liver and kidneys are going to have to filter. (My liver has enough to filter)
I can see why people are so tempted to take the quick fix, I just think the Botox brigade look odd, I prefer your Audrey Hepburn’s and Helen Mirren’s. I'd love to see society’s perception of ageing shifting, especially for woman. Woman in general do the bulk of the child rearing, domestic stuff and they are conditioned to keep looking young. Social media is great but it also puts a lot of pressure on people to always be at their best.
Now don’t be shocked, but now that I’m racing toward 60 ( how the hell did that happen?) my attitude towards injectables has changed. ill never get it, I just won’t risk it, but I think everyone should decide what is right for them, there should not be any judgement. So If you do choose injectables, you should do a lot of research on the clinic and therapist that will be performing the treatment; have a consultation and make sure you feel totally comfortable with what you are going to have, that’s my advice. And be prepared to never being able to give them up. Once you start down that road you have to get them regularly, or your face just falls.
We all have our own insecurities, be it wrinkles, skin tone, pigmentation, whatever, and for that reason I would advise you to spend your money on regular treatments with a qualified dermal therapist who will take care of all your skins needs on an ongoing basis. It’s better to take care of the collagen, the skin tone, the elasticity and the integrity of your skin. ( I.e. me, just saying😂)
At the end of the day, life is for living, it’s a celebration and a privilege, enjoy the journey and be comfortable in your own skin. So what if I have crow’s feet, isn’t it time to positively change our perception of age and encourage a future when we can look forward to it.
So if your in the area of Winthrop, Perth and want younger looking skin then book in for a facial at Sole Revival Skin & Body Clinic
Jules x
Anti aging facial