Reflexology Treatment for Fibromyalgia – Causes, Treatments and Pressure Points
Reflexology is a non-invasive procedure, in which a physical ailment is treated by applying pressure with the fingers, palms and feet. It is believed that there are certain reflex points in our hands, feet, ears and shoulders, which when pressed respond to the affected areas or body parts with complaints.For example
For example, the bottom of your foot is a sensitive zone for your urinary bladder. Reflexology is helpful in restoring the immunity and natural harmony within the body, releasing tension, facilitating a state of relaxation and producing clarity of mind.
After attending a couple of reflexology sessions, people experience a deep sense of relaxation and a boost in their energy levels. In addition, reflexology also helps to cope up with stress and anxiety in workaholics. Many reflexology users are happy to talk about their healthy experiences with the therapy.
What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is diagnosed by chronic, widespread pain and tenderness in the body. It is difficult to diagnose fibromyalgia as the symptoms coincide with normal fatigue and body ache.
People with fibromyalgia normally display symptoms such as:
Trouble sleeping
Morning stiffness
Painful menstrual periods
Tingling in hands and feet
Problems with thinking and memory also known as fibro fog.
What Causes Fibromyalgia?
Between 80 and 90 percent of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia are women. However, men and children can also have the disorder. However, Fibromyalgia is most common in middle aged people.
People with certain other diseases may be more likely to have fibromyalgia. These diseases include:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis).
Stressful or traumatic events, such as car accidents
Repetitive injuries
Genetic conditions
Reflexology for Fibromyalgia
It is always advisable to consult a trained reflexologist for best results. An expert practitioner makes an intelligent assessment of all your individual complaints and symptoms and begins the therapy accordingly.
Reflexology can also be practiced at home, following charts for reflexology. Putting on socks and gloves, makes it easier to demonstrate and feel of how the reflex points should be stimulated. It is always advisable to attend a workshop to learn the tricks of reflexology effectively and what points to stimulate in order to obtain the maximum fibromyalgia relief symptoms.
In reflexology, the top half of your body represents the top half of your foot and the bottom half of your body represents the bottom half of your foot. The left and right sides of your body are represented by your left and right feet. Consequently, there is a reflex point for every fibromyalgia symptom you may be experiencing.
Using reflexology to treat fibromyalgia is easier if you understand how your body works and why treating certain organs and glands helps you achieve relief.
Body ache
Press the area of your feet or hands that correspond to the area of the joints or muscles that are experiencing pain. Press your thumb into the outer edges of your foot about mid-way between your toes and your heels to relieve aching knees. Follow this same procedure to relieve any joint or muscle pain that you are experiencing.
Consult the foot reflexology chart to locate the corresponding reflex point for the area that is causing you pain and apply reflexology to those reflex points.
One of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia is fatigue. Treat symptoms of fatigue and low energy levels by stimulating the reflex points of the adrenal glands and the pancreas. Exhaustion can be the result of low blood-sugar levels, and since the pancreas helps regulate blood-sugar levels, working the pancreas reflex points several times a day may help you get rid of this condition.
Working the adrenal gland reflex points may also help you by improving the production of adrenaline, which increases energy levelS.
Apply pressure to the reflex points associated with the pancreas and adrenal glands, which are located about halfway down the sole of your right foot, under your big toe. These points are minute so you will probably press on the reflexes for your right kidney as well, but doing so will not interfere with your fibromyalgia treatment; as pressing any reflex point is beneficial.
Lack of Concentration
Remove lack of concentration by working on your brain reflexes. These are located on the tips of your first three toes on each foot. Stimulating the brain reflexes will help you with the lack of concentration sometimes associated with fibromyalgia.
Use the tip of your thumb to press the tip of your big toe and the tips of your second and third toes one by one.
Morning Stiffness
Fibromyalgia patients often feel stiffness all over the body due to soreness of muscles. Press your thumb deep into the arch area of each foot to relieve back stiffness. Repeat at least 5 to 6 times on each foot.
Reflexology first Health & well being