Skincare, what you should know
There is so much information on social media where the stronger the skincare products are the better. But when it comes to active ingredients such as Vit C, Retinol, AHA's and Vitamin A, this information can be very misleading and actually ruin your skin, turning healthy skin into compromised skin that is sensitive and inflamed. The belief that unless you're experiencing dryness and flaking on a regular basis that your results are going to plateau and the ingredients aren't working hard enough for you is not correct. When your skin becomes compromised it’s a clear sign to take it easy and nourish your skin with non active products to improve your skins health. If you over-do things, particularly with AHA's and Vitamin A, you risk impairing you’re skins natural barrier.
Remember our skin is an organ not a muscle, it does not need to be pushed beyond its limits to become stronger.
Collectivity our skins microbiome are what keep our skin healthy. They regulate water loss and cell turnover, as well as protecting us from free radicals and pollution.
When we see acne, rosacea, sun damage, wrinkles ect, it’s a sure sign that our skin is not operating the way it should and it requires correction. Knowing exactly what is required to correct the skin is the key, this is when a good therapist, knowledgeable in how cells function can help you. They will tell you, there is no quick fix. Most of the skin issues we see occur in the epidermis, so the first port of call should be perfecting how those layers are being formed. Once we do that all the skin issues will start to correct themselves over time. Wrinkles and loss of elasticity are dermal ( surface) issues but really it began in the epidermis long before it became visible.
Remember less is more and consistency and importantly patience is key. Get skin savvy and find yourself someone who has invested their time into educating themselves to understand what it is your skin needs. When I recommend a product to you it’s not to sell you something, it’s to help you. Customised skin care programmes are the way of the future.
Think about the analogy of the marathon runner. If you were asked to run a marathon with no training or preparation would you do well, not likely, in fact you would do yourself damage. It’s the same with homecare products, they are your personal trainer, setting you up for success. With preparation your less likely to risk injury as well as downtime and recovery time.
Jules from Sole Revival building her knowledge with Retail and PDP workshops for WA with an amazing group of skin Savvy therapists.